Requests from Closers

NYSCA will be glad to help any of our members cover them at a closing where for some reason the closer is delayed or can't

make a closing that they were already booked for. The member should clear it with the title company that secured them and

send an email to: and supply the same kind of detail that NYSCA is asking the title companies to


  1. Date:
  2. Time:
  3. Location:
  4. Type of Closing (Residential or Commercial & Purchase or Refinance):
  5. Amount of the closer's compensation:

NYSCA will then send out your email to all our members on our Emergency Referral listing to see if anyone can cover the closing

for you. Once you have covered it, please send a follow-up email informing us of that, so as reduce the amount of additional

emails and/or phone calls you might end up receiving.

Advice to Members in regards to Emergency Referral emails:

Whenever you receive an email from NYSCA forwarding an email from a Title Co. seeking to cover a closing on an Emergency

basis, if you are available, and can possibly cover the closing, do not respond to the email sent by NYSCA. Note the email

address and/or phone# of the Title Co. and communicate directly with them.


Click the link below